We live in an age of opportunity. Never before has it been so easy to spread a message. But as anyone that’s tried using social media knows, if it’s not done strategically, this can be a time sucking endeavor! So, for this week’s marketing example, here’s how Karen Black, a communications consultant, author and entrepreneur, integrates her […]
Social Media Marketing and Women – Here’s Proof That It Works!
A surprisingly high percentage of women claim that social media marketing doesn’t influence their purchase decisions, according to a recent market research study cited by WebProNews. In the study, conducted by ad:tech Chicago and Q Interactive’s “Women Channel,” 75% of women stated that social networking sites have only negligible influence on their purchasing behaviours. I […]
Social Media Marketing for Lawyers
Lawyers interested in learning about social media marketing, will find Wise Law Blog’s recent article e-Resources for Lawyers to be tremendously helpful. This article provides the reader with links to essential references on the topic of social media marketing for lawyers. One such reference, Untangling Web 2.0 – A Survival Guide for (Modern) Legal Professionals, […]
Is Social Media a Good Fit for Architects, Engineers, Accountants and Healthcare Professionals?
This is not a new debate. Just as 20 years ago Architects, Engineers, Accountants and healthcare professionals hotly debated the dangers of any form of marketing, the discussion continues, though it takes a new focus. Professionals have become quite accustomed to the idea of branding and marketing their professional practices and many have embraced […]
Viral Marketing for Professional Service Firms?
Viral marketing has become part of North American culture. By way of example is the ‘Will It Blend’ viral marketing campaign that promotes blenders using a comical DON’T DO THIS AT HOME video series. The video that shows the blender chewing up an iPhone has had over 5 million views on YouTube alone. Viral […]
Bring Back the ‘Social’ in Social Media
Businesses are seeing the opportunity that social media marketing can deliver. But have they missed the point entirely? The reason that social media is different from other marketing vehicles including outdoor advertising, print, radio and direct mail is that it offers a ‘social’ element . Businesses who have mastered the ‘social’ in […]