Your firm’s unique selling proposition is its unique and valued difference. It identifies how your firm is not only different from your competitors but how this difference is valued by your market.
Many architects, engineers, accountants, dentists and other professionals believe that there are few opportunities to differentiate their services or they have convinced themselves that their services are already differentiated when in fact they are either the same or similar to that of their competitors.
Defining a unique selling proposition requires a strategic exploration of, and commitment to continuously develop, the firm’s greatest strengths.
A unique selling proposition won’t work if it is too vague, too narrow, doubtful or confusing.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – Examples
A unique selling proposition can build on any of the following characteristics: an attribute, benefit, competitive indicator, type of service or economic value. Though, there are a number of constraints with regards to referencing economic value in the professional sector, in particular with healthcare professionals. Examples of attributes that can evolve into a unique selling proposition include the delivery of a service within a certain time frame, a proprietary process, a roster of awards and the promise of a certain type of experience or type of solution.
Related articles: Create a Value-Driven and Sustainable Professional Practice, The Risky Business of Marketing Your Point of Difference,
Every Successful Marketing Campaign Has One and Tips to Analyze Your Point of Difference.