Point of difference is often used interchangeably with unique selling proposition. Technically, these two marketing terms differ. Your firm may have a long list of capabilities that offer competitive value. Each one of them would be considered a point of difference. The point of difference that is most valued by your target market, however, is your unique selling proposition.
Point of Difference – Examples
A point of difference can build on any of the following characteristics: an attribute, benefit, competitive indicator, type of service or economic value. Economic value is often considered to be less sustainable as a competitive edge. Furthermore, there are a number of constraints with regards to referencing economic value in the professional sector, particularly in healthcare.
Examples of a point of difference include the delivery of a service within a certain time frame, a proprietary process, a roster of awards and the promise of a certain type of experience or solution.
Related articles: Create a Value-Driven and Sustainable Professional Practice, The Risky Business of Marketing Your Point of Difference,
Every Successful Marketing Campaign Has One and Tips to Analyze Your Point of Difference.