We’ve come to turn to the internet for, well, nearly everything. While much of that is enriching to our businesses (and our very lives), are we deluding ourselves into thinking that the internet has become a panacea for all our marketing woes? And is it possible that we’ve been lulled into relying on it for […]
How deep is your medical clinic’s brand?
Today I’m taking it easy, recovering from gum surgery. For those of you that have undergone this procedure, you can empathize that it’s not over until the sutures are gone! Interestingly, throughout the experience, I noticed my thoughts travel beyond my own discomfort to a closer examination of the depth of my dentist’s (and client’s) […]
Should you market yourself or your medical clinic?
Should you market yourself or your medical clinic? was previously published in The Pulse – Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors, Spring 2014, Issue 73. Despite the multitude of decisions that get made before initiating a marketing program – positioning, target market, location, services, fees – there’s one underlying question that often gets overlooked. What are […]
20 Tips: Networking with healthcare professionals – Online & off, introverts & extroverts
Networking with Healthcare Professionals – online and off, whether you’re introverted or extroverted was delivered as an accredited webinar for naturopathic doctors as part of the OAND webinar series. Though the webinar explores numerous examples and fundamental guidelines, this article is based on the premise of the topic. More about this webinar is available here. […]
Maximize Marketing in an Increasingly Complex, Digital World
Maximize Marketing in an Increasingly Complex, Digital World was previously published in Canadian Vet, January 2012. Most veterinarians consider expanding their marketing efforts as new opportunities present themselves. From Facebook to LinkedIn and Twitter, we’ve accumulated quite a few new opportunities over recent years. In fact, the list continues to expand before our very eyes […]
Marketing Example of the Week: Video for a Chiropractic Clinic
Professional service firms are becoming more interested in the possibilities offered by video. But a lot of the early adopters are playing it safe with a meet and greet type of video that showcases staff for recruiting purposes or introduces the firm principal. This video stands out because it doesn’t follow the crowd. It’s truly […]
Is SPAM Being Posted on Your Behalf?
Our most recent spam comment was from a chiropractic clinic. We didn’t publish it, as a comment, but here it is for your reference: A chiropractic doctor offers a breadth of services to various patients that involve physical rehabilitation and physical training. (The name of the chiropractic clinic was inserted here, along with a link […]
One Chiropractor’s Experiment with Consumer Marketing
When I first learned of how Dr. Dower’s circular career path mirrored my own, but in reverse, I was compelled to learn more. So, we sat down for tea in his Yonge and Bloor stomping grounds and took a stroll down memory lane. Dr. Dower started out as a marketer. But, after benefiting from chiropractic […]
Becoming a Meaningful Brand
Becoming a Meaningful Brand was previously published in Canadian Vet, May / June 2011. As a veterinarian, is there a zone where your energy and interest peaks because of how you feel about a type of service, circumstance, or challenge? Have you noticed how others respond to you when you are in that zone? It […]
What Colour Should I Paint My Logo?
What do you need to consider before making the significant (and potentially stressful) decision about your logo colours? In marketing, colour often carries deep seated and subliminal meaning. Whether they know it or not, people respond to the colour of a logo emotionally.Think about it. How often have you heard anger described as ‘seeing red’? […]