Establishing credibility sight unseen is the key to successfully marketing professional services firms. Regardless of discipline or sector, your audience wants to know that your firm is the one that’s going to solve their problems and that your improvements will wildly transcend their possibilities. They want to be able to count on not being disappointed, as if it were a fact.
Getting to that level of believability isn’t quite as simple as writing up a shiny new resume, however.
Chief obstacle? Ever noticed how consultants marketing similar services to similar audiences generally make similar claims about their strengths? It takes creativity to say what you need to say without sounding like you’re bragging, exaggerating or mindlessly spinning platitudes.
What really works to market a consulting firm?
To arrive at believability you will need:
- An objective sounding board for your various viewpoints
- A forum to answer the tough questions you normally consider on behalf of your clients
- A fresh perspective on your business environment
- Insight into the gems buried within your firm’s history
- A reminder to fiercely lobby for your own goals
“…After the first couple of meetings, it seemed that she knew us better than we knew ourselves!…” Demand Clarity Inc., Mike Doherty & Jeff Harrop, Retail Supply Chain Consultants
Package your firm in your findings and your bull’s eye market will have more confidence in you.
You’ll also have more confidence in yourselves.
Imagine the impact of that change alone.
Marketing and management for consulting firms:
To discuss how we can work develop a coaching program to build and enhance your consulting firm, contact us for an initial consultation, in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) or via web conference anywhere in Canada.