When you initially decided to hang your shingle, constrained by a start-up budget, you probably tried and tested a variety of practical, marketing tactics. As your practice matured, it’s only natural that you left that same marketing plan in place because things were working just fine. You know that old adage “If it ain’t broke, […]
Effective Marketing Strategies, Plans and Copy Webinar for Interior Designers
I will be giving a 2-hour webinar on effective marketing strategies, plans and copy for interior designers through Interior Designers of Canada (IDC) on June 8th. This will be a 2-part webinar: The strategic marketing plan: In the first hour, we will explore how to develop a marketing plan (or modify an existing plan) that […]
Take the Heat Off Sales!
Most professionals enjoy those aspects of their job that are intrinsically related to their professional training but feel pressure when it comes to sales. This is despite the fact that sales is quite contained within the context of a professional practice. There is another way.Think of a relay race, where the timing of each activity […]
Marketing Strategy – Definition
Marketing Strategy – Definition What is the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan? Your marketing strategy drives your marketing plan. The marketing strategy is the rationale that ensures that the marketing plan will deliver maximum impact at the available budget. It aligns marketing decisions with business development goals, within the context of […]