Professionals know how to communicate. For many, it’s an integral part of the job. But just because you’re great at writing reports, giving presentations, negotiating and running meetings doesn’t necessarily mean that you know how to give someone feedback. And it doesn’t mean that you know how to handle conflict. Communication is a vast area. […]
Gain clarity on your sales directives and get back in the driver’s seat (guest on K2 Sales Podcast)
Call it what you want, but there’s an element of sales in every professional’s role. Avoiding it or telling ourselves we can’t do it because we’re too introverted or it’s not the right image is a limiting mindset. Can you instead think of sales as helping and how that desire to help ties to the […]
Marketing and social media for lawyers (guest on Canadian Bar Association podcast)
My initiation into podcasting was both entertaining and a little terrifying! My spouse, Garry Wise, senior lawyer at Wise Law, and I were guests together on The Every Lawyer, a Canadian Bar Association podcast. We had a rather animated discussion about some of the currently controversial dos and don’ts of marketing and social media for […]