If you are a lawyer, accountant or other professional, Single by choice or chance is for you.
Not because you’re a single woman and over 45 years of age (even if you are!).
Not because you could stand to benefit from some practical, financial wisdom (even if you could!).
Not even because you work with clients who are facing the very questions this book poses (even if you do!).
This book is for you because it models the implementation of point of difference in professional practice.
I can’t tell you how many professionals I have met over the years who when we first meet were convinced that their services were really no different from their competitors. After we got through our first round of working sessions together, however, we would land on a clear and compelling point of difference.
Every time.
In Single by choice or chance, Jackie Porter and Jill O’Donnell show other professionals how it’s done. Whether their knowledge is comparable to that of their peers or not, what they offer their market is so dedicated, they can’t help but feel understood.
That’s the whole point.
When professional marketers talk about defining and articulating point of difference, it’s not a make work project (believe me, between social media, video and blogging, we don’t need any make work projects!!). It’s about connecting with your desired growth market, emotionally. And at the end of the day, that means one thing. Your audience will trust you. Sight unseen. When you get that first inquiry, you’re not selling. You’re signing on a new client.
So, lawyers, accountants and other professionals should read Single by choice or chance, not for the financial gems (of which there are many). But to get inspired in your own marketing endeavours. To broaden your perspective on how to showcase your expertise, creatively and authentically. Because that’s what works in marketing professional services.
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Tying point of difference directly to profit