A call to action is a short phrase that tells your audience how you want them to behave after reviewing your marketing materials. Marketing acumen suggests that people are more likely to follow through with a desired ‘action’ if it is specifically ‘called for’.
In the professional sector, the call to action is often a missed opportunity because it misunderstood as a marketing tool. At first glance it appears to be a hard sales message, whereas, effective marketing strategies for architects, engineers, accountants, doctors and other professionals are focused on establishing credibility, instilling trust and offering solutions. The call to action can, and should, be consistent with this approach, in this context.
Call to Action – Examples
The call to action can be as simple as ‘sign up for our newsletter’, ‘call now to book a consultation’ or ‘contact us to learn more’. It can also be customized to capture the unique value of your practice. Either way, be sure to include it throughout your marketing program.
Related articles: Call for Action on Your Website and Effective Marketing Copy – 4 Essential Rules