Investment Executive just did a series on how to start a newsletter (in which I was quoted). Here are a couple of excerpts:
From Create your own newsletter – Build visibility and credibility among clients and prospects:
Your newsletter should build on your point of difference, says Bekhor… This uniqueness should come across in every aspect of the newsletter, from content and design to the tone of the articles.
From Create a newsletter that gets read – Avoid dense economic data and include a call to action:
With a newsletter you’re building rapport with existing clients, says Sandra Bekhor, president of Bekhor Management in Toronto.
“You’re continuing to remind them why you’re the best fit,” she says. “Even if you don’t hear from them, there’s a reinforcement of your brand that happens when you’re not there”
Related articles: Canada’s New Anti-Spam Legislation and Your e-Newsletter, Should You Segment Your Newsletter? and Newsletter Benefits – Q & A.