Just like any other marketing vehicle, marketing social media like Facebook requires an understanding of possibilities, added value and limitations.
You wouldn’t send out a direct mail piece without researching the neighbourhood, format and content would you? The same concept applies to Facebook. Time spent studying this new media before proceeding with your marketing campaign will position you to maximize the results of your marketing efforts.
To help you get started, here is an excerpt from the Facebook Marketing Bible. This article is a truly comprehensive account of the different ways Facebook can lend itself to marketing:
Tools for Guerilla Marketers
1. Profile Page
…One of the most common habits of Facebook users is browsing the profile pages of friends and stalking the profile pages of people they want to learn more about…
2. Groups
… Many people view groups as “Bumper Stickers” for their profile page in this regard…
3. Pages
…Like groups, they’re another free and easy way to do viral marketing.
4. Events
…When you create an event, it gets a fully-featured page, much like a group, that includes a wall, discussion, photos, videos, and links…
5. Notes and Photos
Notes and Photos are two Facebook applications that allow you to share blog posts and pictures with your friends…
6. Messages
…Facebook allows you to send messages to users you have no connection with…
7. Marketplace
…When you receive a response to your Marketplace listing, you can see the respondent’s profile page even if they’re not your friend.
8. Share / Posted Items
Facebook Share is a Facebook application that lets you promote any Group, Event, Photo, Link, or Application you come across…
9. Networks
Facebook Networks are like group pages for everyone who’s a member of an Educational, Work, or Geographical network…
10. Mini Feed and News Feed
When Facebook users…engage with your brand… Facebook automatically adds a feed item to their Mini Feed…
I recommend reading the article in its entirety. Aside from marketing tactics, you will also learn how Facebook has minimized the risk of spam.