Not because of the beautiful language and not because of the perfect grammar.
Effective marketing copy influences people because the marketing message is on point.
Michel Fortin created his own set of rules to develop on point marketing messages that set the stage for effective marketing copy. Here is a brief overview with a focus on the points most relevant to the professional sector.
Why you:
Identify why your services are a good fit for the reader.
Why me:
Establish credibility and point of difference with your audience.
Why this:
Rather than simply listing the services you provide, identify the benefits that your services deliver and how they solve problems for your clients.
What now:
This, my fourth rule, is a toned down version of Michel’s ‘Why now’. It is tailored to the unique sensitivities of marketing for professional practices. Instead of assuming that the readers know, tell them what you want them to do next, whether it be to call for a consultation, visit your website or attend a seminar.
These four simple rules could make the difference between beautiful language and effective marketing copy.