There is no absolute truth as to whether or not a newsletter should be segmented.
The primary benefit to segmenting your newsletter is that clients are more likely to respond to a newsletter that is specifically focused on them and them alone.
The Case Study: Newsletter Boosts Tourism at iMedia Connection demonstrates this point:
…”we are blown away by the increasing virulence and popularity of the Travel Oregon newsletter…”
…consumers are being bombarded by marketing messages from many different channels. Travel Oregon and eROI worked together to execute on their shared belief that the best way to cultivate a sustainable long term relationship with a consumer is to provide them with information based on their interests. Segmenting and disseminating information based solely on an individual’s preferences makes the newsletter highly relevant and enables Travel Oregon to meaningfully engage these “hand raisers” to sell them their Oregon dream.
Before everyone runs off to segment their newsletters, let us also consider the benefits of the single newsletter approach:
- Less time and money involved in development and distribution of the newsletter
- Greater opportunity to cross promote services by educating clients about services other than the ones they have already hired you for
- Cohesive and consistent branding across all categories of services and clients
- Eliminate the need to send more than one newsletter to clients who may fall into more than one of your service categories
Segmented newsletters can be a remarkable approach for certain situations but they can also be completely wrong for others. Carefully consider the unique dynamics of your situation before making the decision to segment your newsletter.
Detailed decisions regarding the distribution and content for your newsletter will have as much, if not more, of an impact on your return on investment and goodwill, as would the decision to have a newsletter in the first place.
Related post: Email Newsletter Marketing Tips
Photo credit (top): t. bell