The questions posed are enormously revealing about the feelings people have for the brands that they consume. A benefit that, through my Toronto marketing firm, I have found to transfer particularly well to the very personal nature of professional service firms.
Here are a few examples of some of the more interesting questions and answers in the branding survey:
Which brand inspires you the most?
…On Nike: “I’m still working out and playing basketball at age 47. I only buy Nike shoes and gear. Because their advertising over the years has inspired me to keep at it… ”
If you were to describe yourself as being a brand, what brand would you be? Why?…On Apple: “Because I like to come at things differently. I chose to ‘think different.’ This is what I offer my clients: a different way to look at and think about their business… ”
What brand can you not live without? Why?…On Starbucks: “A living example of my lifestyle and credos, and that such commitment to sustainable development can be a total success… when everyone adheres to it internally…”
Quite intense. What does this signify?
Simply put, a brand, (and that includes professional service brands) can be a much bigger concept than a logo.
A brand actually has the potential to embody human characteristics and have relationships with people.
It would seem then that a strategically crafted brand would in fact have the makings of a great ambassador for architects, engineers, accountants, dentists and other professional service firms, where relationships most certainly do count.
Give it some thought the next time you go to Starbucks for your favourite morning latte…
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