Are we deep enough into the social media game, that there is such a thing as LinkedIn best practices for lawyers? By numbers alone, it would seem that Toronto lawyers are starting to take serious note of the site. Yet still, there remains an underlying strong sense of skepticism. I hear this a lot: “Does […]
LinkedIn books for lawyers: An interview with author Marc Halpert (videos)
If you’re connected with either myself or Marc Halpert on LinkedIn, the author of several LinkedIn books for lawyers, you’ll know that we don’t just preach about best LinkedIn marketing techniques. Our knowledge extends beyond reading (and writing — for Marc, at least!) LinkedIn books for lawyers. We diligently practice them, like true LinkedIn warriors! […]
Professional Services Marketing (Interview with Author, Book Review)
Last December, I posted a photo of one of my bookshelves on LinkedIn, asking my connections to recommend a great read for the winter break. Mike Schultz noticed his book, Professional Services Marketing, sitting up there on my shelf! Indeed, it’s a classic if you are a professional interested in growing your practice. Our conversation led to this question and answer style book review. It’s […]
LinkedIn for lawyers: What’s next? (13 pros chime in!)
The debate is over. LinkedIn is for lawyers! The question used to be, should I be there at all? Now, it’s how can I use the site better, to go beyond the occasional like and actually market my law firm? Well, one way is to learn from people who have figured out how to do […]
Finally! A social media group for lawyers that’s actually social. (Press Release)
PRESS RELEASE Toronto, Canada (October 4th, 2018) – Finally! A social media group for lawyers that’s actually social. There’s a new group coming to LinkedIn this October. ‘Keeping it Social: Practice Development for Lawyers TORONTO’ brings lawyers together to learn practice development tips. But there’s a twist. This isn’t yet another thinly-veiled exercise in self-promotion. […]
Does Your Law Firm Need a New Website?
Does Your Law Firm Need a New Website? was published by SlawTips. Below is a short excerpt: Web design is a fast-moving field. Do these changes make you wonder if it’s time to update your law firm’s website? The decision itself can be daunting. Does it need to be an overhaul? Or should we just tweak? […]
Legal marketing – what’s next? (42 legal marketing pros chime in!)
When it comes to legal marketing, lawyers are often too busy just getting through the day to think of what’s next. Well, that’s what we’re doing right now. We’re carving out the time and space to consider the future. I tapped into our vast network and asked the question: what’s next in legal marketing? A […]
Branding professional services firms is painful (true confessions of a marketer!)
Everyone talks about how branding professional services firms is great (okay by everyone, I mean us consultants!). Branding will build awareness. Branding will deepen connection with your market. Branding will pay off in the long run… Nobody talks about the dark side. How it’s a painful process… and if it isn’t, you’re probably not doing it […]
A New Way to Look at Law Firm Marketing Plans
A New Way to Look at Law Firm Marketing Plans, was published by SlawTips. Below is a short excerpt: You’ve been hemming and hawing about whether or not it would be worthwhile to develop a marketing plan for your firm. Meanwhile, there’s been no change to the status quo, even though you’re not actually satisfied […]
Is Your Law Firm Experiencing Growing Pains?
Is Your Law Firm Experiencing Growing Pains? was published by SlawTips. Below is a short excerpt: The growing pains experienced at law firms don’t usually get self-diagnosed as such. Instead, they tend to be described in terms of the series of symptoms that happen to be manifesting, often at the same time. Some examples: -Without […]